Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yes, it's time. I believe that it's time for me to put Christmas music on my blog!
Please listen to the 1st one, a Wonderful Christmas Time. It's my favorite song. Ohh, I can't wait for Christmas!

What about you?


mrc-w said...

That is a great song! I'm also excited for the holidays! :)

Kulio said...

Can't wait for Christmas!!!

Heidi Lee said...

I can't wait either!

I've been playing Christmas music too!

Ms.Lo said...

I love that first song, too!

Sienna said...

hey 'KEK', this is a girl from your old church... my mom is Ms.Lo... and I'm a year older than u... who am i?
lol, hopefully this isn't really a hard riddle for u, haha. but i like the music! it's sweet. i also like ur whole blog paige, too awesome! lol.

Karaeleanor said...

I'm so glad that you found my blog!
yes, I know who you are!

KEK(Do you guys know what kek stands for?)

Sienna said...

aren't they ur initials? (i saw on other comments that they were, hehe)

Sienna said...

oh, by the way srry for the misspelling on 'page'. accident! u must think i am so dumb! lol