Tuesday, December 30, 2008


That is what I feel like saying right now. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! Tomorrow our family and my cousins and there families are going to the LODGE! I am so excited. I haven't packed yet, but some stuff I will have to pack tomorrow like my tooth brush and stuff like that. I am really excited(I know I said that already like 5 times). I can't wait. We are going to sled (if we ever get that beautiful snow back) and play games.

My dad called my Uncle Mark last night and told him that we were already there, camped out in the parking lot! He's like "yep, we just watch through the window, ya know, high five the family inside. We are waiting for Mr. Luke to unlock the doors so WE can be the first ones in. :)

Hope the rest of your Christmas Break is as good as mine is going to be!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sweet Tooth

I have a sweet tooth, as most people do. So far I have eaten (don't freak out) a piece of red velvet cake with white icing for breakfast for 2 days in a row, and a piece of pumpkin crunch with mounds of whipped cream for breakfast THIS morning. No I am not a pig, I just haven't seen anything else to eat. But I DO brush my teeth so it is all good. :)


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sleepin' in the Car

Yes, I slept in the car. No, it doesn't sound like a big deal. Everyone sleeps in the car sometimes! What's the big deal? well, there is no big deal, really, just that after going shopping (and buying a really cute shirt) I was really tired. So I fell asleep in the car. Later I realized that when we had gotten home, I had stayed asleep in the car. Car off, no heat, sitting in the cold cold garage. But I had felt dizzy, so I guess I didn't notice it. I also had a blanket with me, so I was still pretty much warm.

I just felt like posting this "BIG" accomplishment: Sleeping in the car with no heat on a very cold day in the winter and not noticing it.
Yay KEK!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just felt like it

Right now I just feel like posting random pictures. They might be from years ago, or this year, I don't know, I just feel like it.

at the lodge:

Me at Volleyball


My favorite on:

That's all for now, but there are sure to be more soon!


I am really bored. Well, I wasn' a little bit ago. I drew a picture in our basement, chatted on the computer with ashlee, wrote to her on email, and now I have nothing to do. She had to get off the computer, so I don't have anyone to write to. I think it's fun being on email the same time as someone else. But now I am bored. *Sigh*. I guess right now I do not seem excited for Christmas. I am, it's just inside me.

Well, I felt like sharing my boredom with all of you.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe that Christmas is only a few days away!
I am so excited!!!!! What about you? Here are some fun pictures!

Decorating the Tree!


I can't wait for Christmas! Love you all, and have a Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!

Hooray, Hooray, it's a snow day! (good rhyme, right?)
This is our first snow day of the year! I'm so happy!

In the morning at around 9:00, we went outside to shovel the deck and cement patio. Then we went sledding for a while. Then it got REALLY cold, so we all went inside. Now I'm just sitting in front of the computer.

If you all had snow days, then I hope it's been fun so far for you!
Hey, we're starting our Christmas Break a little early!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Very Scary

At school today during 4th hour, we had to go to the gym (all the middle schoolers)
and wait there as a lock down. we thought it was just a lockdown, when they brought the drug dogs in, and checked every locker for drugs. then, a half hour of sitting in the gym with kids yelling and talking, we FINALLY got to go to lunch. then we had to wait there for like an hour, way past our normal lunch time. I found out that they had found drugs in a 8th grade locker and a 9th grade locker.
In 7th hour, an announcement was made that there had been a bomb threat(someone found it in the bathroom) and that was REALLY creepy!

Then I found out that my lock had been clipped off, so I had to get a new one, and then it wouldn't open, so that wasn't fun.

Well, the bomb threat thing really scared me, and now I feel like I have to watch out for myself everytime I walk through the highschool hallways!

Hope YOUR Thursday wasn't that bad!