Tuesday, December 30, 2008


That is what I feel like saying right now. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! Tomorrow our family and my cousins and there families are going to the LODGE! I am so excited. I haven't packed yet, but some stuff I will have to pack tomorrow like my tooth brush and stuff like that. I am really excited(I know I said that already like 5 times). I can't wait. We are going to sled (if we ever get that beautiful snow back) and play games.

My dad called my Uncle Mark last night and told him that we were already there, camped out in the parking lot! He's like "yep, we just watch through the window, ya know, high five the family inside. We are waiting for Mr. Luke to unlock the doors so WE can be the first ones in. :)

Hope the rest of your Christmas Break is as good as mine is going to be!!!!


Sienna said...

I didn't know you had a lodge. sounds cool.

(p.s. I feel very privileged to be the first to comment on this post)

Karaeleanor said...

ha. The lodge is actually where YOUR family camp is! SOMERSET BEACH!!!!

Ashlee said...

We had soooo much fun! I am sad that it is all over now. CAN`T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!!!!!

Ashlee said...

We had soooo much fun!!! I am sad that it is all over. CAN`T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!!!!

Ashlee said...

We had sooo much fun. CAN`T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!!!

Ashlee said...

We had sooo much fun. Can`t wait for next year!!!

Karaeleanor said...

i'm glad you had so much fun ashlee!

kool kenna said...


love what your dad said to mine. ;0

Karaeleanor said...

ya that wuz funny