Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Play

Okay, so as you MIGHT know, I was in a play last night. I have posted some about like, how the practice is coming, but last night was the real thing. It was so fun, I wish i could do it again!!!! My mom wrote about it on her blog, and there is another video you can watch, here. But make sure to watch this one! It's blurry, but I guess the singing part is most important.

The first song i sang, Shy:

My friends and I



Diane said...

Oh my goodness - that is great! What a great voice - and even with all that running around you had to do! And I could understand every word - good job on that.

Kulio said...

You were AWESOME!!!

Ashlee said...

You have such a beautiful voice Kara!
I wish I could have gone because it looked like a really fun play!
Love you a lot!

Karaeleanor said...

thanks guys!


Lisa Y. said...

Wow! What a super voice! You sound much older than middle school! Let me know about your next show...I'd love to come!

Aunt Lisa

crisilee alexandra said...

You did AMAZING!!! I wish I could see it again. You have an amazing voice! You totally could be on American Idol.

mrc-w said...

Great job Kara! You look and sound beautiful! You are much braver than me :)

Karaeleanor said...

thanx crisilee :)

and no way molly! u are totally braver than me! My legs were shaking so hard backstage, i was afraid they were gonna fall off! I almost didn't go on!!!


Heidi Lee said...

I think your going to be famous did AWESOME!!