Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Assuming things

I am assuming some things about the Inauguration. Well, not the event itself, but the people who attended it.

I assume that George Bush is wiping his forehead, going "Whew! I'm free! And now, I am set with money and (still) fame for life!"

I assume (actually I know this) that there is a big signifigance to Barack Obama choosing Abraham Lincolns Bible to be sworn on. The signifigance is that Abraham freed the slaves, and now I know that he is Barack Obamas favorite president.



Kulio said...

I was thinking the same thing when I saw president Bush's face at the inauguration - I was thinking, "Wow, I bet he is SO relieved!" That's cool about the Bible.

Heidi Lee said...

I will miss President Bush. He did an awesome job.

Karaeleanor said...

ya he did!
But i am excited to see what Obama has in store!!


kool kenna said...

True Dat!!

Ashlee said...

me 2 kara!!!!