Monday, December 22, 2008

Just felt like it

Right now I just feel like posting random pictures. They might be from years ago, or this year, I don't know, I just feel like it.

at the lodge:

Me at Volleyball


My favorite on:

That's all for now, but there are sure to be more soon!


kool kenna said...

copying my dad here...
Word veriation:
being bonded with a boy. (engagement)

Kulio said...

hahaha....I like that last picture.

The first one makes me excited for the Lodge!!!

wv: lipsy
definition: twirling around and around in circles and then talking sassy to your parents.

Heidi Lee said...

Love Uncle Marks face...oh and seeing that lodge picture makes me SOOOO excited for NEXT WEEK!!!

Karaeleanor said...

Me Too! I was really looking for this one that we did at the lodge maybe last year, and we were making silly faces, and they were so funny!


Ms.Lo said...

My favorite is the Volleyball pic! You look so athletic, Kek!