Friends. I don't know about you, but i love having friends. just the idea of having someone to depend on makes me SO happy. I have lot's of friends, and i have 2 best friends-who both hate each other :( I don't like hearing swearing, and my friend knows it. she tells people when they swear to please stop, because I don't like hearing it. I love being able to call your friend when you get home from school, and set up a time to get together. the best part of it is when one of your friends doesn't like you anymore(I was at recess and 2 of my friends-1 my best friend-looked sad, so i said we tell each other everything...we're friends! they said they weren't my friend cause I was hanging out with my other best friend too much-luckily 2 friends made sure i was okay, and that i wasn't mad at them) and your best friend talks to the people that just bailed on you, and is real mad(this is true-i told what happened to my best friend and she walked up to the to cruel people and yelled at them, saying that i could hang out with whoever,whenever)I guess i'm saying that having a best friend is almost like having another sister, cause you can always rely on them.
yay for friends! good for you at telling her that you can hang out w/ whoever! thats what i would do! speaking of hanging out you (or me) need to come over soon!
Totally! i wuz just gonna callu and tell you that! wouldn't it be great if Ashlee had a blog? what if our WHOLE FAMILY had a blog(except for maybe the younger ones...but i think crisilee would write lot's of cool stuff on her blog!
love ya
I agree with what you are saying kara, crisilee would have lots of interesting things to say!
love the post
your cool
I know. Sometimes people are just born AWESOME.
Just KIddin
miss u!
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