Friday, November 9, 2007


i am in a play. it is called RATS. i am a main person with 2 solos (applaud if you must). My name in the play is Quigley. i just wanted to tell all you people listening that i am a star in a play and i will soon be famous and in the newspaper(aughtographs later) CLAP, CLAP, CLAP. thank you! and good night! :)


kool kenna said...

Sweet! whats it about?

moose luhver said...

thats cool, iv never been in a school play before.

well, at least i think i havent

Karaeleanor said...

yea, i'm really excited.

kool kenna said...

oh i was moose lover, i made another blog but i decided that it was dumb so i deleted it. i really liked the post i had on their though. but i could never put it om my blog cause of the color and its not new.

Karaeleanor said...

what? yer mooseluhver? the person who just commented on mine that i don't know? what?

kool kenna said...

i'll explain later