Saturday, May 9, 2009


I got my braces tightened yesterday and my teeth REALLY hurt. :( I am bored. I don't know why, but I feel like watching Aladdin or something, but my brothers using the TV. :(

Well, have a good weekend!



mrc-w said...

Ouch, I remember those days :( Not fun! I hope they feel better soon - chewable asprin always helped for me :)

Heidi Lee said...

Ouch! Do you get different colors every time you go in to get them tightened? Crisilee always does, and has fun deciding what colors to choose.

BTW, love this song.

Kulio said...

rats!!! I was hoping it wouldn't hurt this time...I love your pink bands tho.

Karaeleanor said...

ya i have been trying 2 bear with it without asprins...not a good idea. which song?

Thanx mom!


kool kenna said...

haha kulio gave away the answer to your quiz thing! i was right!!! oh yeah oh yeah!! ooh ooh ooh ooh. *dances around crazily* oh. yeah. oh yeah. oh. yeah.

Karaeleanor said...

uh i really don;t know how 2 say this....SRY KENNA BUT THEY ARE NOT PINK! THEY LOOK PINK FROM FAR AWAY BUT THERE NOT SO SORRY! u can still do the dance braces USED to be pink..


kool kenna said...

oh dang it