Saturday, February 9, 2008

Disney World

I miss that place. I missed it soooo much, I decided to have family meeting, and asked my dad if me & sibs saved up money for each ticket(kids tickets) then would he take us to disney world. just saying the word makes me teary-eyed.sniff sniff Sniff. Oh well. I soon realized that it would be way to much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Oh yeah. lot's of money. after crying, and saying how much i missed the place, mom thought we could take a smaller trip, like in our trailer. Umm. Not that i don't LIKE staying in our trailer, it's just that...we spend a week in it every summer sooooo...HOW ABOUT CEDAR POINT! It's LOT'S less money, and it's closer to our house. anyway...i just got totally off track...I will always miss that place. I love how ther's no HUGE rollercoasters...they freak me out...and that it's in florida. AHHH. Disney World.sniff sniff sniff.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Friends. I don't know about you, but i love having friends. just the idea of having someone to depend on makes me SO happy. I have lot's of friends, and i have 2 best friends-who both hate each other :( I don't like hearing swearing, and my friend knows it. she tells people when they swear to please stop, because I don't like hearing it. I love being able to call your friend when you get home from school, and set up a time to get together. the best part of it is when one of your friends doesn't like you anymore(I was at recess and 2 of my friends-1 my best friend-looked sad, so i said we tell each other everything...we're friends! they said they weren't my friend cause I was hanging out with my other best friend too much-luckily 2 friends made sure i was okay, and that i wasn't mad at them) and your best friend talks to the people that just bailed on you, and is real mad(this is true-i told what happened to my best friend and she walked up to the to cruel people and yelled at them, saying that i could hang out with whoever,whenever)I guess i'm saying that having a best friend is almost like having another sister, cause you can always rely on them.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Being cool

Now, i don't really know about being cool, but apparently, some of my friends do. ever feel that way? My friends come to school with the coolest clothes. This girl Brooke, had a new coat and was walking around saying to everyone "Like my $300 coat?" it bothers me. and, the truth is, that coat was $60 at a store. Does that kind of stuff bother you? I hate it when everyone is walking around "going out" with people, then breaking up, then making this big drama scene about it. I am saying that cause I am in 6th grade and I personally DON'T THINK 6th graders should "go out" right mom? Anyway, i'm just saying, when you think you're cool, your not cool. Here's another example: this girl put a piece of paper on her locker saying her name and then saying "i <3 me" & "100% cool" The truth is, i was sort of glad that someone crossed it all out. you really don't HAVE to be cool.(unless, of course your in highschool:right michael?) :)

Friday, February 1, 2008


I am mainly talking to you adults, cause I am still young. Do you ever wish that you could just run outside and play tag with your kids, or jump on the trampoline with them? Now you just think to yourself when your kid asks you to play..."No, I'm to old...I have better stuff to do then that." the truth is, you don't! you can still play and enjoy life. Pretend your still 5 yrs. old, and go outside and look around. explore things like you used to do. remember when you could jump on a bike and race your friends down the street, without any worries like you do now. Why don't you just forget about being an adult, and just go! Be free from worrying about money, or bills, or anything else.Go.