I haven't Posted about this yet because I have been kinda busy, so I'm gonna do it right now!
We had SO much fun at Family Camp! From the Ice Cream party, to swimming, to just hanging out at the beach, I had TONS of fun! Here are some pictures!
Mckenna: At her campsite:
On the Teeter Totters (I dropped kenna twice: The first time, we had this ball, and it rolled off the teeter totter, so I reached to grab it, but fell off, so kenna went down. the second time i was on the bottom, i was in my sweats and i just slid off! Sorry kenna!)
At the beach. It wasn't to crowded! (At least in the water it wasn't!)
We also went to Louds!! I got Moosetracks ice cream!!!
This is a little out of order, but this is the Picture of when we first drove in to Family Camp:
Okay, PELASE don't pay any attention to my face! I'm only using this picture because it's the only one i have of Sadie (Nicest Girl EVER):
Sand Castle Contest!!!!!!
I can't remember what Crisilee, James, Beth, Sophie, and Mylie did, but I know part of it was Cryderman Cove.
Me, Mckenna, Sadie and Sara worked on OUR sand castle: Noahs Ark. (Okay, I guess I do have a few more pictures of Sadie...):
Our Finished Masterpiece:
The Group Photo:
Their Group Photo:
We got 2nd place in the contest too! Overall, Family camp was GREAT. I can't wait for
next year, when my cousin Ashlee will be there! Hope your week was as great as mine!
5 years ago