Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bosses Day!

We weren't there, of course, because we were at school, but when I got home I saw this box on our table with cake inside, and it said this...

Happy Bosses day daddy! Keep up the good work!


Kulio said...

Yum, cake!

Heidi Lee said...

Oh that is sooo neat. I bet your dad loved that. I am glad they did that for him. He deserves it.

kool kenna said...

my dad got a cake too!

Karaeleanor said...


mrc-w said...

That's so nice that the people your dad works with are appreciative of him! And cake is always good!!

Lisa Y. said...

Wow, cool that there were leftovers to bring home. That reminds me, I need to bake a cake for Ryan's birthday this week! Have a great day!
aunt lisa