This morning(April 12th, 2008) we are at grandma and grandpa C's house.My mom, after dropping us off, went inside to talk to grandma. I just sat quietly, listening to them. Suddenly, my mom said "Why do you like to go to grandmas house?" I didn't exactly know what to say. Why DID I like to go to grandmas house? I know older brother would say "one, because they have cable...two, they have a bigger screen television than us, three, they have a mac labtop that doesn't take hours to get on the internet like ours does." Younger brother: "They have cable and we don't" Younger sister: "because our cousins live right down the road." but me? I don't know.I thought about the question, and soon realized that it was because of grandma and grandpa themselves. I love just being with them. I love there house, with the cozy feeling in it. I love that they are different from my other grandma and grandpa. They don't have things for us to do laying out. They don't have crafts, either. They let us use our imaginations to come up with things to do with the stuff they already have. Sure, I enjoy the tv and computer, but not as much as I enjoy them.
I love you Grandma and Grandpa!
5 years ago
wow you come up with such good things to write about, i can not ever think of what to write about now days! good one. i like grandma & grandpas house the same reason all of you guys do but also when i go over there most the time you or ashley or some other cousin is there and gma and gpa spoil us! ;) so i win!
awwwww! That's awesome Middle Child!!! Now if we could just teach g-ma and g-pa how to go to another blog besides their own...
kool kenna.
Miss u!
Well, Mathgeek helped grandpa so...
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