Monday, June 30, 2008

Stylish FlipFlops

Okay, so I had this idea, and it worked! So I took my pair of flipflops that ashlee C. had given me, and my mom found this awesome fabric in our attic, and I cut it in strips and tied it in knots around the straps of the flipflops.
I'll tell you how to do it:
What you'll need-
-stretchy fabric that goes good with your flipflops
-fabric scissors
-flipflops or clogs

cut the fabric into strips about 3and a half inches long(make sure the strips are not to wide)Tie them in a knot around the straps of your flipflops or clogs. Make sure they are close enough together so you don't see the straps.
And that's all!You can try it on an old pair of flipflops, in case you don't like it.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Poor Buddy!

Well, Buddy had Surgery June 14th. Some of you might think that, because he's a daschund, he had surgery on his back, but thankfully, he didn't. He had surgery so he won't ever be a Daddy. :( But that's not the reason my dad had him have surgery. It is so he won'"Mark his territory" in our house. I thought Buddy wouldn't be able to move for a few days, but after being home for about 2 hours, he finally fell asleep. He's doing great, like nothing ever happened to him.(I'm not even going to tell you the jokes my dad made up about him, because they are pretty disgusting)

I just thought I would give you an update on what's going on here
